Attendance :
Attendance in lecture is expected and highly recommended.
Discussion section attendance is mandatory. Any absence should be approved by
your TA prior to the discussion meeting time, except in the case of emergency.
TAs may request appropriate documentation of absences (e.g., a doctor’s note).
Laptops :
ipads, and other screens are not permitted in lecture except in the first
two rows of the lecture hall. Lecture outlines will be made available
on the course website. These outlines will contain the structure of the
lecture, but they will not contain the details of the content.
Students need to attend lecture and take notes, and talk to a peer about missed
lectures. Laptops are also not permitted in
discussion sections.
Readings :
readings in the course are varied and diverse. They will include chapters of
books, academic articles, news articles, blog posts, transcripts of lectures,
examples of journalism, critiques of journalism, ethics handbooks, and
advertising videos. In short, they will constitute a selection of the
information environment we deal with every day.
course’s one required book is-- Blur: How to Know
What’s True in the Age of Information Overload, by Bill Kovach and Tom
Rosenstiel (Bloomsbury).
of required and suggested readings for the course can be found in the schedule
below. Those listed under the general “Readings” heading are required, and
may appear on an exam, in an assignment, or on a quiz the week for which they
appear, or a following week. Those listed under the “Further reading” heading
are suggested; they will not appear on an exam or quiz, but may be helpful in a
writing assignment or exam essay. Required readings are
available in a course pack at
Student Print (333 East Campus Mall). Both required and suggested readings are
available in an online archive at (UW login required).
Guest lectures :
the semester, we will have several guest lectures. Given by professors in the J
School and other experts, the lectures are scheduled to be directly relevant to
course content, and their
material will appear on quizzes and exams. The lectures are outstanding
opportunities to learn what the foremost experts in mass communications are
learning in their research. Students are expected to attend, be attentive, take
notes, and ask good questions.
Deadlines :
real. Meet them. Late work will
be accepted, but will receive a 20% grade reduction for each day after the deadline.
The Writing Center :
Writing Center (
is an incredible resource provided by the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Students can visit the Center for help with writing at all levels, for all
kinds of assignments and get feedback and advice about their work.
for J201 must be turned in with proper grammar, punctuation and citation (see
course website for full assignment details): TAs will not correct grammar and punctuation, but will lower grades on essays with
significant problems. If you have any difficulty with these or other elements
of writing, the Writing Center is the place to go.
Grade grievance process :
you are concerned about a grade, begin by emailing your TA a clear and
dispassionate explanation of why you think the grade was mistaken. Your TA will
follow up with you about next courses of action. Clear mistakes or errors in
grading as a result of computation of scores (i.e. mathematical errors) will be
quickly amended. However, be aware that any grade grievance based on
substantive answers will entail a re-grade of the assignment–meaning that there is
a risk that points will actually be lost through the regrade.
Course communication :
guidelines, specific assignments, announcements, extra credit opportunities,
course syllabus, due dates, grades, etc.; everything that is important will be
communicated through the course webpage: Be sure to check it regularly.
E-mail :
TAs and Professor Wells are committed to responding to weekday emails within 24
business hours. Weekend emails will generally be replied to by Monday evening. This means that you
should not count on being able to get a response the night before a deadline—so
plan ahead. You are also more likely to get a pleasant, and helpful, response
if you are respectful in your email and use complete sentences and good
punctuation. We consider class emails professional communications and expect
that you will communicate with us as you would with your colleague or boss.
Academic Honesty :
honesty requires that the course work a student presents to an instructor
represents the student's own academic efforts. If you are unsure about what
qualifies as academic dishonesty, consult the Academic
Misconduct Guide for Students.
While we encourage J201 students to study for exams together, remember that the
essays and posts you write for class must be your own. If, for example, a
student were to turn in an assignment or write an exam essay that was verbatim
or near-verbatim from the social networking web site Study Blue, that would be a clear case
of academic misconduct. Copying
or paraphrasing text, including from fellow students, without proper quotation
and citation is plagiarism. This includes
“patchwriting,” the piecing together of different sources into a paper, often
with minimal editing. Plagiarism
may be sufficient
grounds for failing a student in the entire course. :
despite special efforts on the part of faculty at the School of Journalism
& Mass Communication, a small but persistent portion of students
continues to engage in unethical academic practices (i.e., cheating). After
many discussions, the faculty of the School has decided to experiment this
semester with using, a service that accepts uploaded papers and
automatically evaluates them for plagiarism. Students in J201 will be required
to upload their papers to in addition to turning in hard copies.
More information on the use of will be available as the first
writing assignments approach.
Special Needs :
request academic accommodations please register with the McBurney Disability
Resource Center and contact your TA.
There are 100 points possible in the class. Students may also earn
up to 2.5 points of extra credit, accrued in .5-unit increments. Assignments
are described in detail on the course website:
Speeches, discussion and
research report (20 points possible)
1 Prepared speech (5)
1 Impromptu speech (5)
1 Discussion leadership (5)
1 Research report (5)
Media analysis essays (30
points possible)
3 essays (10 points each)
Exams (35 points possible)
3 exams: two midterms worth 10 points each, and one final worth 15
Participation (15 points
5 Quizzes (5)
5 Online assignments (5)
Attendance and participation (5)
Grading scale
92-100: A
88-91.99: AB
81-87.99: B
76-80.99: BC
70-75.99: C
60-69.99: D
59.99 and lower: F
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